This is our stamina building, heart strengthening session that'll help you burn more fat and get more energy, but here is the kicker, they will also improve your cardiovascular health and build endurance so you can do more meaningful things in your life, because you are finally in shape to do them.

How you're going to feel after one session

Unstoppable, feeling like a million bucks, the best you have in years. You're going to feel "Different"

How you're going to feel after one session

confident in your sport, more explosive, feel different while on the court, field, or course.

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Why Cardio Training at Mission Fitness

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Cardiovascular fitness that’s actually fun!

Having a strong heart is key to a long life, but at the expense of boring cardio workouts.  Not at Mission.  Workouts that vary daily and trainers that love coaching will keep you coming!

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Mission Fitness
3245 N. Adrian Hwy
Adrian MI 49221

(517) 305-4675

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